How do I export my client information from Cornerstone for the SMS blast?

This article will walk you through exporting a file in Excel spreadsheet format with all of the information needed to send out your practice's SMS blast.

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Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Open Cornerstone to the default view.

Step 2: Run the Client Master Report.  This report can generate a list of active clients that have telephone numbers (as well as additional information).  Start by going to Reports  >  Client.


 Step 3: Double-click Client Master Report (Client Email/Mailing Address)

Step 4: To make it easier to read, change the Sort order at the top to Client Last Name.


Step 5: Under Range and Description, click the drop-down arrow next to Client Last Name then select Status.


Step 5: Type active into the Starting and Ending value boxes. Click on Preview.

 Step 6: You can export this report to Microsoft Excel and then manipulate the data as you wish.  To do so, you can start by clicking Save


Step 7: Choose a Save In location and give it a File Name.


Step 8: Change Save As type to Comma Separated(*.csv), then save.


If you want more information on how to format this file so that it is able to be uploaded to Anipanion and used to send out a mass text message to your clients through our SMS blast, check out our article about that topic!


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