Vetsource - How do I prescribe Vetsource medications using Anipanion?

This article will walk you through using our integration with Vetsource to seamlessly find and recommend a prescription through an Anipanion chat consult.

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Now that Anipanion has partnered with Vetsource, you can create prescription recommendations directly from within a chat consult. Note that your Anipanion account must be connected to your profile in one of the PIMS that we integrate with, and you must have the Vetsource connection enabled by the Anipanion Support team. If you aren't seeing the Vetsource option for prescriptions while both of these conditions are met, please contact Anipanion Support.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Log into the Anipanion Web App.

Step 2: Make sure you are on the Chats tab.


Step 3: Click on the chat about the pet that needs a prescription.


Step 4: Click on the Rx button at the top of the chat area.


Step 5: Select Vetsource as your Online Pharmacy Provider.


Step 6: If the pet parent has multiple pets, select the pet for whom you are writing the prescription. If they only have one pet, it will automatically be selected.


Step 7: Add your client's address. Once the client has their address on file, you can select it from the modal instead of having to manually enter it.


Step 8: Anipanion will now open up a large modal that will automatically log you into your Vetsource account, then show your Vetsource ScriptShare page. From here, you can search for the medication(s) that you want to recommend.


Step 9: Once you have selected a medication, fill out the patient information section. The pet's weight should be auto-filled, so just enter the medication strength, packaging type/count, quantity, refill count, and the prescription expiration date. Click on Next.


Step 10: In the second section, add the usage instructions and any notes to the pharmacy. Select your name from the veterinarian dropdown and enter your Vetsource PIN. If needed, select the correct option in the team member dropdown as well. Click on Add to Share Cart.


Step 11: Optionally, add a personal message to the recommendation email that Vetsource will send to your client. You can also add more medications to the Share Cart at this time. Once finished, click on Share Now.


Step 12: In the modal that pops up, make sure that the client's email is correct, then click Share.


Step 13: You can now close the Vetsource Modal. A link to the recommendation will be shown in the chat. Your client can tap on it to easily add the medication to their cart in the Vetsource store and check out.


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